peace dividend

英 [ˈpiːs dɪvɪdend] 美 [ˈpiːs dɪvɪdend]

n.  和平红利,和平增益(指国家因裁军而得以用于其他方面的原军备和国防费用)



  1. 和平红利,和平增益(指国家因裁军而得以用于其他方面的原军备和国防费用)
    money previously spent on weapons and the defence of a country and now available to be used for other things because of a reduction in a country's military forces


    1. N-COUNT 和平红利,和平效益(指冷战结束后由于原先花在国防和武器上的开支得以用于其他目的所带来的经济利益)
      The peace dividend is the economic benefit that was expected in the world after the end of the Cold War, as a result of money previously spent on defence and arms becoming available for other purposes.
      1. The peace dividend has not materialised despite military spending going down in most countries.


    1. The peace dividend has not materialised despite military spending going down in most countries.
    2. When Spaniards start to enjoy a peace dividend in the form of lower security costs and higher tourism receipts in the Basque country, pressure will build to sort out the remaining issues.
    3. For most, the disappearance of the "evil empire" was an unqualified blessing, reducing the dangers of the world ending in a nuclear conflagration and offering the lure of a peace dividend.
    4. Sadly, the great peace dividend we all expected to enjoy at the end of the cold war never really materialised.